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Current Health News

January 2, 2012 - Issue 1962

Tap Water in Neti Pot Kills Two People

Tap Water in Neti Pot Kills Two People

January 2, 2012

Why you must avoid tap water at all costs if you use nasal irrigation to cleanse your sinuses …

Chlorella: Use This Superfood to Help Remove Mercury From Your Tissues in Weeks


January 2, 2012

Taking this nutrient could be one of the greatest gifts you ever give yourself. A 3 year double-blind study with over 350 people reveals this superfood unleashes a tiny army inside your body that can remove heavy metals linked to lethargy, aching joints, depression, poor digestion and blood sugar levels...

How Women May Be Contributing to Men's Rising Cancer Rates

Birth Control Pills

January 2, 2012

Ironic as it may seem, a new suspected culprit linked to men's rising rates of cancer may be women themselves. With over 82% of women aged 15 to 44 having engaged in this potentially risky practice, it's not only linked to prostate cancer but may be linked to newly rising breast cancer cases, too.