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Current Health News

March 13, 2012 - Issue 2033

Roundup: The "Safe" Garden Product that Can Destroy Your DNA

Roundup: The "Safe" Garden Product that Can Destroy Your DNA

March 13, 2012

It's a popular best-seller, so there's a good chance you're using it and potentially exposing your family to DNA damage, endocrine disruption, SIDS and birth defects. It can also end up in your gut, decimating your good bacteria and wreaking havoc on your immune system...

PAP Smear Screening: This Foolish Cancer "Prevention" May Only Extend Your Life by 2.8 Days

PAP Smear Screening: This Foolish Cancer "Prevention" May Only Extend Your Life by 2.8 Days

March 13, 2012

Making certain assumptions about treatment and screening, you'll increase your lifespan by a whopping 2.8 days - fraught with high risk of seizures, paralysis, blindness, blood clots and heart attacks... meaning you might spend those days in the E.R. Are you sure it's worth it?