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Current Health News

July 27, 2015 - Issue 3264

Obesity Will Soon Overtake Smoking as Principal Cause of Cancer

Causes of Cancer

July 27, 2015

Things are changing with cancer. Being seen less and less as a disease of old age, this new, very common culprit is taking over as the main cause of 10 different types of cancer. And this new top cause is something you can, for sure, take action on.

Why Is Spicy Food Good for You?

Chili Pepper Benefits

July 27, 2015

If you enjoy spicy foods, it's ok to indulge - even daily. Adding heat to your meals with chili peppers, ginseng, ginger, and other spices can protect your heart health, lower your cancer risk, and much more.

10 Superfoods for Digestive Health

Fermented Vegetables

July 27, 2015

The foods you eat can make or break your digestive health. If you want to rid yourself of troublesome gastrointestinal issues, make these 10 digestive-health superfoods mainstays in your diet.