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Current Health News

September 23, 2015 - Issue 3322

Junk Food and Antibiotics Have Spawned a Global Diabetes Epidemic

Junk Food and Antibiotics Have Spawned a Global Diabetes Epidemic

September 23, 2015

You've wisely been told to watch your blood pressure and quit smoking. But those raise your risk of heart attack 4 times and 1.6 times more, respectively. Whereas, this raises your risk of heart attack six-fold... and that's for this under-45 year old group. How high is your risk?

Smokeless Tobacco Kills More Than 250,000 Yearly, Worldwide

smokeless tobacco

September 23, 2015

Smokeless tobacco is often considered safer than smoking cigarettes, but it's still responsible for a significant number of deaths worldwide each year. Other smoking "alternatives," like e-cigarettes, also pose considerable risks to your health.

Is There Really a Problem with Food Shortages in the US?

Food Shortage

September 23, 2015

Fourteen percent of American households did not have enough food to eat in 2014, but is this really due to widespread food shortages as is often suggested?