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Current Health News

November 9, 2015 - Issue 3369

Foods Kept in Plain Sight May Reveal the Source of Your Weight Management Problem

Foods Kept in Plain Sight May Reveal the Source of Your Weight Management Problem

November 9, 2015

In this recent study, people who left these two foods sitting out in plain sight in their kitchens were on average 20 to 26 pounds heavier than those who kept them stored away. And, one of these is even heavily promoted as being healthy for your heart and weight...

10 Superfoods That Work Better Together

Broccoli with Tomatoes

November 9, 2015

About the only thing that makes superfoods healthier is combining them with other superfoods that amplify their beneficial effects...

Surprising Health Benefits of Cinnamon

cinnamon sticks

November 9, 2015

This soothing warming spice offers significant benefits for your brain, gastrointestinal function, chronic disease prevention, and more... and as a bonus, it tastes delicious.