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Current Health News

August 30, 2016 - Issue 3664

Monsanto Mistake Spawns Widespread Crop Losses

Monsanto Mistake Spawns Widespread Crop Losses

August 30, 2016

Already part of more than 1,100 different US weed killer formulas, it's widely used on lawns, golf courses and along roadsides. Dangerous to humans and their pets, it's clearly linked to 3 types of blood cancer, with an estimated 69,000 Americans diagnosed each year. Get ready to watch that number soar as its use explodes.

Meningococcal Vaccine May Be Ineffective on College Campuses

Meningococcal Disease

August 30, 2016

A meningococcal B vaccine tested on nearly 500 students at Princeton University yielded unimpressive results. More than one-third of those vaccinated showed no response to the shot, raising serious questions about the vaccine's usefulness.

Study: Pesticides Are Creating Pollination Problems and Killing Bees

Bees Decline

August 30, 2016

A UK study involving 18 years of data shows widely used neonicotinoid pesticides may be decimating wild bee populations. If steps aren't taken to protect pollinators from these and other toxic chemicals, the food supply could be at risk.