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Current Health News

October 11, 2016 - Issue 3706

Flu Vaccine Effectiveness in Question

Flu Vaccine Effectiveness in Question

October 11, 2016

It seems no matter how poor its effectiveness is, the recommendations to 'do it' remain. But is it really the best way to protect yourself? Research tells a very different story - particularly if you take this drug.

The FDA and Big Pharma Are Too Cozy

big pharma industry

October 11, 2016

After working to approve cancer drugs for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), many former FDA medical reviewers find work in a more lucrative industry - Big Pharma. What are the implications of these cozy connections on the state of public health?

New Safety Regulations for Cosmetics — Better Regulated by States

Cosmetics Industry

October 11, 2016

New safety regulations for cosmetics are badly needed, but the revisions proposed may take away one very crucial aspect of safety: states’ ability to supplement federal laws if those in place are not going far enough to protect public health.