This article was abstracted from Dr. Humphries' excellent book Dissolving Illusions, with contributions from Dr. Mercola, Barbara Loe Fisher and Sayer Ji. If you have a sincere interest in this topic I would strongly encourage you to purchase a copy of this excellent book.
This week's issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)1 claims that the consensus scientific view is that childhood vaccines are safe and effective, among CDC's 10 great 20th-century achievements and a World Health Organization "best buy."
With the elevation of vaccination to a sacred cow status, it is no wonder that ever since about 50 visitors to Disneyland in California were diagnosed with measles earlier this year, the whole country has been subjected to a relentless barrage of mainstream media articles blaming unvaccinated children for a minor measles outbreak that, by March 16, 2015, consisted of a grand total of 176 cases.2 in a population of 320 million people.
The way public health officials and the media have been promoting irrational fear about measles and using it to lobby for laws eliminating all non-medical vaccine exemptions or even criminally prosecuting and jailing unvaccinated people, it sometimes feels like we are living in a dystopian science fiction novel.
I have never seen such a well-coordinated disinformation campaign to vilify virtually anyone who would question the effectiveness and safety of complying with the CDC's ever-expanding vaccination schedule.3
While some argue that the media is simply acting to protect the "public health," there has been a near complete abandonment of fair and balanced journalism. Almost every media outlet has swallowed the propaganda produced by Big Pharma and forced vaccination proponents hook, line, and sinker and failed to carefully research or independently analyze the facts.
Let me assure you that this story is far bigger than measles. It is about getting the entire population to accept the concept that vaccination is a more effective way to stay healthy than supporting your inborn immunity and optimizing immune function, which is so essential to preventing illness and serious complications from infectious diseases.
The media completely overlooks the conflicts of interests inherent in the public-private financial partnership between industry and government and the fact that Big Pharma will generate $35 billion from vaccine sales this year4 and is projected to take in over $57.8 billion by 2019.5
CDC Says NO ONE Has Died from Acute Measles in the US Since 2003 – But How Many Measles Vaccine Related Deaths Have Been Reported Since Then?
If you believe the media's story on measles in America today, it would seem that children who get measles in the U.S. are being admitted to the hospital in great numbers and regularly dying from measles complications.
But if we look at the latest report (March 13, 2015) published by the California Department of Health, we see that out of 133 cases of measles reported in that state this year, 20 people were hospitalized and 81 percent recovered without a need for special care and there were no deaths.6
(Also, while 43 percent of the California measles cases were not vaccinated, 15 percent WERE vaccinated and 56 percent of the cases were in adults over age 20. Only 18 percent of the cases were in school-aged children between 5 and 19 years old, while 15 percent were in children ages one to four and 11 percent in infants under one year old).
If we examine the US government's measles mortality report data between 2005 and 2015, we find six adults and one child listed in National Vital Statistics data7 as reportedly dying from complications related to measles. Only the child, a male between one and four years old, had a confirmed autopsy performed.
However, in private email correspondence, Meryl Nass, M.D. asked the CDC about confirmed measles deaths in the U.S. and the CDC replied in writing that, "The last documented deaths in the U.S. directly attributable to acute measles occurred in 2003."8
Vicky Debold, PhD, RN, who serves as volunteer Director of Patient Safety and Research for the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), analyzed U.S. measles mortality data and found a discrepancy between what the CDC told Dr. Nass and information published in the National Vital Statistics.
Dr. Debold said, "There was an autopsy-confirmed death of measles with encephalitis reported in the U.S. in a male child between one and four years old. The remainder of the measles reported deaths after 2003 were for six adults without confirmed autopsies (2 in 2009; 2 in 2010; 2 in 2012).
Three of the adult deaths were recorded for measles with encephalitis; one death recorded for measles with pneumonia and two deaths recorded for measles without other complications."
Deaths from Measles Vaccines: Is it 98 or 980?
Dr. Debold was curious about the one measles-related child death recorded in 2005 and the fact that the CDC did not acknowledge it when replying to Dr. Nass. Dr. Debold wondered if, perhaps, the 2005 child death was MMR vaccine related.
She searched VAERS reports using the MedAlerts9 database, where she found five deaths associated with measles containing vaccines that occurred in 2005 in the U.S. in males aged one to four years.
One of those 2005 MMR vaccine related death reports in VAERS listed "mild fever" and "non-infectious encephalitis and encephalopathy" as symptoms after a one year old boy received MMR, varicella and flu vaccines and died five days later (VAERS ID# 250504).
The autopsy report listed "sudden unexpected death in childhood" as the cause of death; however, there was no mention of a rash or other measles-related symptoms, which also can occur after MMR vaccination.
Dr. Debold commented, "Six out of seven measles-associated deaths reported after 2003 in the National Vital Statistics reports occurred in adults between the ages of 25 and over 85 years old, who should either have had natural measles immunity or have gotten at least one MMR shot. It would be helpful for CDC to explain the discrepancy between National Vital Statistics data and the statement made to Dr. Nass."
So, between zero and seven measles-related deaths have occurred in the U.S. since 2003, but how many measles vaccine reaction death reports have been recorded by the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in the past 12 years?
Searching the MedAlerts database, we see that there were 98 deaths following MMR or MMRV vaccinations reported to VAERS that occurred between 2003 and 2015. Plus, there have been 694 reports of MMR or MMRV vaccinations causing disability in that time frame.
It has been estimated that less than 10 percent of vaccine adverse events are ever reported to VAERS.10,11
Considering the fact that there were 98 measles vaccine-related deaths and 694 measles vaccine-related disabilities reported to VAERS in the past 12 years, if only 10 percent of vaccine-related deaths and disabilities are being reported to the government, then the actual number of measles vaccine-related deaths and disabilities that have occurred since 2003 could have been as many as 980 deaths and 6,940 disabilities.
Unfortunately, many pediatricians dismiss vaccine-related health problems as a "coincidence" without any proof that is true for the individual suffering a bad health outcome after vaccination, which is one reason why there is such low vaccine reaction reporting rate in the U.S. Naturally, many doctors and health care workers are in denial.
Parents of well nourished healthy children living in the U.S., who are weighing the measles vaccine's benefits and risks, may well be asking themselves: If I vaccinate my child, he or she may have a vaccine reaction and die. If I do not vaccinate, my child may still get sick with measles but may have a lower risk of dying."
The History of Measles
Let's not minimize the risks of measles because it has the potential to be a very deadly infection - just not normally in well-nourished populations in the 21st century. Throughout the 1800s, measles epidemics occurred about every two years in the United States and England. During these epidemics, when suboptimal sanitation and nutrition were the norm, some hospital wards overflowed with children with measles and up to 20 percent died from pneumonia and other complications.
However, by the 1960s, deaths from measles had dropped to extremely low numbers in both England and the United States. In England, the percent decline from its peak level reached an astonishing 99.96 percent by the time the live attenuated measles virus vaccine was introduced in 1968. When the first inactivated (killed) measles vaccine was licensed in 1963, the measles death rate in some states like Massachusetts had reached zero. During this year, the whole of New England had only five deaths attributed to measles.
We need to keep this in perspective. These were deaths BEFORE the launch of measles vaccines in the 1960s, when deaths from asthma were 56 times greater, accidents 935 times greater, motor vehicle accidents 323 times greater, other accidents 612 times greater, and heart disease 9,560 times greater. Why such a disproportionate emphasis on measles deaths?
Even a casual review of the relevant literature will reveal that preventing measles mortality is not primarily related to vaccination but to nutritional status. Child mortality due to measles is 200 to 400 times greater in malnourished children in less developed countries than those in developed ones. It is crystal clear that as nutrition improves and vitamin A and D levels are optimized, the complications and deaths from measles radically diminish.
Furthermore, experiencing measles infection in childhood itself may confer health benefits and even survival advantage in protecting against autoimmune conditions and chronic inflammation, including cancer, which means it may be a means through which our immune system is primed and gains self-tolerance.12 Experiencing and recovering from naturally –acquired measles may actually be, as our not so distant ancestors once commonly acknowledged, a good thing, because it confers much longer lasting superior immunity and is protective against infection that leads to complications later in life, when measles can be much more serious.
There are reports in the literature documenting the fact that not only can live attenuated measles vaccine cause measles vaccine strain infection that may not be cleared from the body, but vaccine strain live virus is also shed in the urine and other bodily secretions.13
Herd Immunity Did NOT Work for Measles
Dr Alexander Langmuir is known as "the father of infectious disease epidemiology." In 1949, he created the epidemiology section of what became the CDC. He also headed the Polio Surveillance Unit that was started in 1955 after polio vaccine safety issues became public. According to Dr Langmuir and many other experts, the measles vaccine was supposed to eradicate the common childhood disease in 1967. But of course that did not happen.
A 1994 study indicated that as vaccination rates increased, measles became a disease in populations where the majority of children had been vaccinated, including in the U.S. This "startling" surprise challenged the theory that vaccine-induced "herd immunity" would provide complete protection against outbreaks of measles. As the CDC has admitted and published reports in the medical literature have documented, measles outbreaks have occurred in school populations in which 71 percent to 99.8 percent of the student body have been vaccinated.14
It may have been "startling" at the time but it became a regular occurrence that measles outbreaks developed in highly vaccinated school populations even though more than 98 percent of the students had previously been vaccinated.15 In the particular case of measles, vaccine-induced "herd immunity" was not well established with widespread use of one dose of measles vaccine and thus did not prevent outbreaks.
Even more recently, a study conducted in the Zhejiang province in China shows that populations, which have achieved a measles vaccination rate of 99 percent through mandatory vaccination programs, are still experiencing consistent outbreaks far beyond what the World Health Organization (WHO) expects. This calls into question whether MMR vaccine really does provide long lasting protection against measles infection.16
Measles Vaccine Does NOT Create Life Long Immunity
One key factor to consider is that measles vaccine does not create lifelong immunity. Vaccines only confer temporary artificial immunity, although sometimes vaccines fail to confer any immunity in susceptible persons, and this is why health officials recommend multiple doses of measles and other vaccines to "boost" vaccine acquired immunity. Although previously, the CDC advised that adults born before 1958 did not have to get vaccinated, the CDC now states that "people who are born during or after 1957 who do not have evidence of immunity against measles should get at least one dose of MMR vaccine." 17
In fact, since the Disneyland-related measles outbreak in early 2015, some public health doctors are suggesting that all adults should get an MMR booster shot because as many as 1 in 10 previously vaccinated adults may be susceptible to measles due to waning vaccine acquired immunity.18
There is plenty of evidence that an increasing number of measles vaccinated children and adults in the U.S. and around the world are getting measles, even after two doses of MMR.19,20,21 Infants under age one, who used to be protected in the first year of life by getting natural maternal antibodies from mothers, who had experienced and recovered from measles in childhood, are now susceptible to measles from birth. That is because most young mothers today have been vaccinated and measles vaccine acquired maternal antibodies are far less protective than naturally acquired antibodies.22,23
We have not yet seen how the universal measles vaccination policy will play out over the next several generations as senior citizens with naturally acquired measles immunity die and children and younger adults with artificial vaccine acquired immunity are relied upon to provide "community immunity". Some experts have predicted that measles epidemics are likely to become more common in the future.
One study suggested that, even with good response to vaccination, measles vaccine acquired immunity only lasts from 15 to 20 years.24,25 In fact, there is evidence of waning measles vaccine acquired immunity after 10 years.26 If this is true, then there could be a resurgence of measles after a period of relatively low measles incidence, which we are in now. In addition somewhere between 2 and 10 percent of vaccinations result in primary vaccine failures, meaning those who get the vaccine don't gain any antibody protection after vaccination at all.27
The California Disney measles outbreak is primarily associated with one of the 22 measles genotypes known to be circulating globally -- the B3 strain of measles that has caused recent outbreaks in the Philippines.28 Measles vaccines used in the U.S. and other countries were created using the A measles genotype, although scientists have said, "there are no known biological differences between viruses of different genotypes."29
Your Body Has Two Different Immune Systems
There are two systems that fight disease in the body. One is the innate system that is always ready to work and the other is the adaptive arm of immunity. The adaptive arm consists of Th1 and Th2. Both are necessary but Th1 is commonly known as the cell mediated arm, and Th2 known as the humoral or antibody arm. Most vaccines preferentially stimulate the Th2 or humoral part of the immune system. When it comes to measles vaccines, it is known that breast fed babies will develop more of a Th1 immunity while formula fed babies will develop Th2 slanted immunity30 which is actually less desirable.
Measured antibodies may be reflective of some form of immunity, but it is not a perfect correlate as indicated by those who recover and remain immune to measles without making any antibodies.
The benefit of only measuring humoral immunity as a means of measuring vaccine effectiveness is that it can be easily determined by drawing blood samples. If specific vaccine-induced antibodies are present, the person is presumed to be immune to that infection and protected. If vaccine induced "community immunity" was guaranteed protection, it would simply require proof that nearly everyone in the community had high vaccine-acquired antibody levels.
Evidence of the profound importance and effectiveness of the innate and Th1 immune system can be demonstrated in individuals who are unable to genetically generate antibody production. This is called agamma-globulinemia. When individuals with this condition were exposed to measles, they recovered just as well as those who were able to make normal antibodies.31 They also had protection in the future upon re-exposure.
This "disconcerting" discovery was made in the 1960s when measles vaccination programs were just getting underway and demonstrates that production of antibodies is not necessary for the natural recovery from measles. Even more recent research published last year indicates that antibody-mediated immunity is not necessary to neutralize viruses like vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV),32 again calling into question the primary justification used today to "prove immunity" and promote the idea that elevations in vaccine-induced antibody titers are necessary to produce immunity against all infectious diseases.
Therefore, humoral immunity may only play a secondary role in natural resistance against measles disease and other targeted "vaccine-preventable" diseases. The reason most people completely recover from and are protected after acute infections may be due more to the fact that they have innate immunity, which requires no memory or previous exposure and does not involve preformed specific antibodies. The other reason they don't get re-infected is because they acquired cell-mediated immunity from the infection.
Innate immunity involves the activation of white blood cells, including macrophages, natural killer cells, and antigen-specific T lymphocytes, as well as the release of various cytokines (immune system proteins) in response to challenge from pathogenic microbes. This type of innate immune response is mounted by most people with functioning immune systems, regardless of vaccination, and is highly dependent on whether or not the person is getting enough essential nutrients. When cellular immunity is impaired— for instance, in leukemia— measles infection can be lethal.
Are Measles Vaccines a Rational Option?
Why does it make sense to subject all healthy people living in developed countries with access to good nutrition, sanitation and health care, who are not usually susceptible to suffering complications from measles, to the known and unknown risks of MMR vaccines, when the result could be leading the world to a situation worse than the pre-vaccine days? What will be the response to revaccinating everyone in the world with more and more measles vaccine booster doses? And what happens if the vaccine-induced re-programming of our immune system actually reduces our ability to effectively respond to real-world challenges from other pathogenic infectious microbes?
Vaccinologists have long relied on high antibody titers as a measure of a vaccine's effectiveness, but have they stopped to consider whether constantly artificially manipulating the immune system to produce vaccine-induced antibodies is rendering millions of people more vulnerable to infectious diseases, as well as more prone to developing autoimmunity? The best analogy I can think of is kicking a beehive.
Although this may result in a bunch of angry bees (i.e. antibodies) attacking anything within reach, claiming we have "improved the health of the hive" by increasing the number of angry bees (measured by high antibody titers) without proving they are attacking a real threat, is absurd. In fact, the "bees" may end up attacking the Queen bee (the host), reducing self-tolerance and inducing chronic autoimmunity.
What Really Caused Measles to Drop from 1963 Onwards?
There was an apparently steep drop in measles incidence from 1963 onward. But was that dramatic downtrend in the curve all because of widespread use of measles vaccines? By 1968, the US immunization survey showed that only 50– 60 percent of children between one and nine years old had been vaccinated33 for measles. And a lot of vaccinated children still got the common childhood disease. During epidemic days, even when three measles vaccinations were given to children, more than 50 percent of measles cases had been fully vaccinated.34 Here are some probable contributions to the decline in the reported cases of measles:
As always happens after a vaccine campaign, the criteria for diagnosing the disease was narrowed. The vaccinated who developed measles symptoms were not counted in the tally of wild measles cases, even though they might have been infected with wild-type measles virus.35,36 The accelerated decline seen on the curve could have been due to the fact that if someone received a vaccine and developed a rash and high fever, it was not diagnosed as measles. So because of the new classification, measles appeared to drop in the vaccinated.
Up to 54 percent of vaccinated cases in some reports developed rash after vaccination, which was in part why immune globulin was administered with it. Still today, by the CDC's admission, 5– 10 percent37 of vaccinees develop a rash and fever,38 which is indicative of vaccine strain measles virus infection.39,40,41 Since MMR vaccine associated rashes are often missed by clinicians and parents and attributed to something else,42 that 5– 10 percent could well be a gross underestimate.
If 5– 10 percent of measles vaccines result in fever and rash, then there actually could be approximately 650,000–1,300,000 cases of vaccine strain measles infection associated symptoms in the United States per year given the 13– 14 million yearly doses of vaccine injected into one-year-olds (live births per year US census = 14 million).
Gamma globulin use during measles infection began in the 1940s. The reason it was given at the same time as the live and killed vaccines was to limit the negative (vaccine strain measles virus infection) effects of the injection. Gamma globulin was and still is also prescribed as prophylaxis to those exposed to measles cases, including the contacts of live-vaccine virus cases in the freshly vaccinated.
Measles can be prevented or modified after exposure by passive immunization with the use of immune serum globulin. (But it comes with a price: potential development of tumors and connective tissue disease later in life. Not to mention all the problems that can occur in giving a pooled human blood product.)
Gamma globulin use in the early years of measles vaccination programs could, therefore, have contributed to the decreasing severity of acute measles disease manifestation when used alone or with the vaccine. Yet the attribution would have been given to the vaccine. Rashless measles infections would have led to fewer measles reports, but not because measles was not circulating and causing occult or hidden infections.
So, on one hand, the early vaccines were leading to cases of vaccine strain measles and causing a different disease (which were not counted as wild measles), and on the other hand, the gamma globulin given to prevent the side effects of the vaccines was also interfering with normal cell-mediated processing of the virus.
Before the introduction of the 1963 vaccine, the incidence of measles was already on a slow decline. Was measles slowly becoming less prevalent anyway? We know that measles can be subclinical 30 percent of the time. The measles death rate had already plummeted. Like smallpox, was the disease slowly burning out? Was the rise in breastfeeding and improved nutrition contributing to fewer diagnosed cases?
Measles Vaccination: A Failed Experiment?
Breast milk is not just food, and its immunoprotective properties involve more than just antibodies. Colostrum contains viable T lymphocytes that impart immunity to the newborn. The fact that vaccinated people have inferior more temporary immunity in comparison to the naturally acquired longer lasting immunity has led to the recommendation of revaccinating women before pregnancy. But this type of artificial vaccine acquired immunity is not transferred to the newborn as well as naturally acquired immunity.
Nobody has figured out how to tell for certain who is truly immune to pathogenic microbes. People without antibodies can be completely protected from clinical illness by cellular immunity. Therefore antibody is a mere surrogate that has questionable significance.
When Silfverdale evaluated thousands of vaccinated and unvaccinated breastfed and non-breastfed children looking at the risk of measles, breastfeeding had a far larger impact on measles risk than vaccinating. Now that women who were vaccinated in the 1970s and later are of childbearing age, accumulating evidence shows that their infants are not as well protected as they were when measles circulated widely and infected nearly every child by the age of 15.43
Today the only solution to the issue of waning vaccine-acquired immunity is to keep vaccinating and to vaccinate childbearing-age mothers again. But this may always carry more risk than allowing measles to circulate and be dealt with normally by T cells in well-nourished populations. Because the deaths and disease complications associated with measles can be severe among infants, the early loss of passive immunity demonstrated in recent studies of vaccinated mothers should be of major concern.
Today, because of vaccination, young infants are more susceptible than ever. Scientists are searching for ways to vaccinate them earlier and earlier in order to bypass all placental and breast milk immunity and replace it with artificial vaccine-induced immunity. Why? Placental and breast milk immunity protects the infant from measles and other pathogenic infections.
This is just another example of how vaccines have created a situation that requires even more vaccines and more manipulation of the immune system. This is financially profitable for vaccine manufacturers but scientifically and immunologically unsound.
So How Can You Protect Yourself and Your Child from Measles?
For over 100 years, there has been a strong association with vitamin A deficiency and adverse health outcomes from measles infections, especially in young children.44 Has the time come for the medical community to recognize that any child presenting with measles symptoms, especially complications, should be given vitamin A and evaluated for overall nutritional status? If not, what has history taught us?
Vitamin A stops the measles virus from rapidly multiplying inside cells by up-regulating the innate immune system in uninfected cells, which helps to prevent the virus from infecting new cells. It is well known today that a low vitamin A level correlates with low measles-specific antibodies and increased morbidity and mortality. Vitamin A is a well-proven intervention for reduction of mortality, concomitant infections, and hospital stay.
It made no more sense to vaccinate against measles in 1963 than it does to put a measles infected child in a dark room instead of just giving vitamin A, which protects the retinas and the uninfected cells. The efficiency of the cellular immune system is tied to the intake of dietary nutrients, including vitamins A, D and C, zinc, selenium, and protein rich in vitamin B.45 Poor nutrition leads to impaired cellular immune responses, which results in worse outcomes after measles infection or exposure. This also explains why during the 1800s and into the 1900s, when the general nutritional status of the Western world was improving, there was a dramatic decrease in deaths from measles.
In 1987, scientists in Tanzania used vitamin A during measles outbreaks and watched the impressive protective effects. During the 1990s, when mortality reductions of 60-90 percent were measured in poor countries using vitamin A in hospitalized measles cases, there was even more publicity of the vitamin A depletion theory in measles mortality and morbidity. By 2010, it was well accepted that supplementing with vitamin A during acute measles illness led to significant drops in both adverse outcomes and death.
Finally, vitamin A (which is found in high concentrations in breast milk) was given credit in the battle against measles, but only after a vaccine was well accepted throughout the world. In the United States, studies have found that vitamin A deficiency is not just a thing of the past. Even children with normal diets were vitamin deficient upon measles infection. A 1992 California study showed that 50 percent of children hospitalized with measles had a vitamin A deficiency.46 But there was also vitamin A deficiency in 30 percent of the sick controls who did not have measles. None of the uninfected controls showed significant deficiency.
Vitamin C can also be used and during a measles epidemic was given prophylactically and all those who received as much as 1000 mg. every six hours, by vein or muscle, were protected from the virus.47 Given by mouth, 1,000 mg. in fruit juice every two hours was not protective unless it was given around the clock. It was further found that 1,000 mg. by mouth, four to six times each day, would modify the attack; with the appearance of Koplik's spots and fever, if the administration was increased to 12 doses each 24 hours, all signs and symptoms would disappear in 48 hours.
Vitamin D also plays a major role in combating infections, but this wasn't known until decades after the implementation of the measles vaccines so it has not been tested clinically. However, many studies that strongly suggest vitamin D levels below 50 ng/ml will contribute to an impaired ability to mount a sound immune response against measles.48
Measles Complications Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE)
Although some may say that all the problems with measles vaccines were worth the risk because the morbidity of measles was cut down, they miss the bigger picture. That picture involves numerous neurologic diseases, including SSPE (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, which is a rare, chronic progressive encephalitis that nearly universally ends in death), even in those who are fully vaccinated. Contrary to popular belief, SSPE is now a disease occurring in vaccinated persons. In a study49 of nine SSPE cases, three had been fully vaccinated against measles. There was no history of rash in any who were vaccinated and developed SSPE.
In 1989, Dyken reported an increase in the proportion of cases of SSPE following measles vaccination. There is also a shorter incubation period for SSPE following vaccination compared with that which develops after measles infection. SSPE is far from a closed-book issue in the era of vaccination.
What disasters can befall those who accept injections of any vaccine virus that can persist indefinitely within the body? Generally benign person-to-person measles transmission, especially in developed countries like the U.S., seems to have been interrupted after years of experimental vaccinations and with some surprising and unintended consequences.
Much of the interruption was done by intentionally subjecting children to measles vaccine strain viruses through needle injection to which the immune system can react in abnormal ways, creating other illness in the process. What we have now is a population of increasingly unhealthy children —with rates of many chronic diseases and disorders increasing dramatically. For many, vaccination becomes a matter of swapping one set of possible risks for another set of probable risks, the outcome of which are alleged to be "coincident."
More Vaccine Shenanigans
Recently Merck has been accused, by two former virologist employees, of falsifying documents in order to keep its mumps vaccine patent, all the while knowing that the mumps vaccine in the MMR shot is not effective. A lawsuit was filed in 2010 and an amended complaint in 2012, detailing Merck's efforts to allegedly "defraud the United States through an ongoing scheme to sell the government a mumps vaccine that is mislabeled, misbranded, adulterated, and falsely certified as having an efficacy rate that is significantly higher than it actually is."
Merck allegedly did this from the year 2000 onward to maintain its exclusive license to sell the MMR vaccine and keep its monopoly of the US market. This ongoing event has been effectively shielded from and ignored by mainstream media. During the alleged fraudulent activity that occurred in Merck's labs, two courageous scientists working for Merck voiced their objections.
They claim to have been told by the company's upper management that if they called the FDA, they would be jailed. They were also reminded of the very large bonuses that were to be rewarded with after the MMR vaccines were government certified as effective. If what these scientists claim is true, the net result of Merck's questionable activity were vaccine-resistant mumps epidemics and outbreaks that instead of being identified as being caused by a failing vaccine, have led to the demand for more vaccine boosters that will net increased revenue for Merck.
It is known that the mumps component of all MMR vaccines from the mid-1990s has had a very low efficacy, estimated at 69 percent. The mumps portion has lost efficacy (the ability to stimulate production of a high number of vaccine-induced antibodies), but what is not being measured is the potential negative effects of injecting a live vaccine strain mumps virus into the body.
What do you think happens to a live attenuated vaccine strain virus that is injected into a person and elicits only a sluggish immune response and may never be cleared? What chronic health disasters can befall those who are injected with live vaccine strain viruses that cause vaccine strain virus infection with the potential to persist indefinitely in the body?
We need to rationally and objectively analyze the risks and benefits of any vaccination program rather than relying on fear campaigns designed by profit-seeking vaccine manufacturers and promoted through regulatory and policymaking governmental agencies, along with the media, which have long been captured by corporate interests.
So What Does a Caring Parent and Responsible Adult Do?
Those who are beginning to see the light, and are questioning the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, may have to also question their own long-held beliefs about vaccination and infectious diseases. This is not easy to do because the public has been bombarded with so much fear-based propaganda and incorrect information about vaccination for so many years. Doctors may have to do the same and examine their own work and many years, if not decades, of administering measles and other vaccines to children and adults.
If they come to the conclusion that vaccines often fail to work or are harmful, they will have to be prepared to deal with strong resistance from government officials and very real threats to their medical licenses from those expecting doctors to promote mandatory use of all federally recommended vaccines. The golden handcuffs often are too attractive for doctors to rise to that kind of challenge because they are afraid they could lose everything.
But the alternative – protection of the status quo – has profoundly serious consequences for the health of future generations. It is time for all of us to acknowledge what is and is not known about vaccination and health and, at a minimum, support the legal right for everyone to be able to exercise voluntary, informed consent to use of vaccines, including measles vaccine.