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By Barbara Loe Fisher
From flash to bang, it took the politically powerful corporate, medical trade, and government lobbyists just six months this year to gut the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking and the civil right to a school education in California.
They did it by enacting a new law (SB 277) signed by Governor Jerry Brown on June 29, 2015 that denies parents the legal right to file a personal belief exemption to vaccination for religious and conscientious beliefs so their children can attend school.
In order to sign the bill into law, Governor Brown had to abandon his long-standing legislative record as a champion of parental and religious rights and school education.
NVIC called him out in a July 1, 2015 letter for failing to protect California families from segregation and discrimination based on vaccination and health care choices that parents make in the best interest of their minor children. Click here to read NVIC’s July 1, 2015 press release.
Brute Political Power Wielded by Government and Industry Fast Tracks Oppressive Bill into Law
Consistently throughout the legislative process, the numbers of California citizens testifying in opposition to the oppressive bill vastly outnumbered those testifying in support.
The ramming of SB 277 through the California legislature despite strong public opposition was an impressive demonstration of the brute power that can be wielded by the public-private partnership between government and industry dominating the U.S. health care system in the 21st century.
Disinformation about the measles outbreak at Disneyland1 and vaccine safety and effectiveness was used by mainstream media outlets to forward the forced vaccination agenda in the legislature in an attempt to neutralize the growing number of citizens standing up and defending their human and civil rights in our nation’s largest state.
Even though thousands of men, women, and children from all walks of life came again and again to Sacramento this year to attend public rallies and testify against SB 277 in Senate and Assembly committee hearings, the Senate voted 25 to 10 and the Assembly voted 46 to 30 to approve the legislation after contentious floor debates.
Waking a Sleeping Giant
During the six months the bill was making its way through the legislative process, many new grassroots groups focusing on health and medical freedom issues were formed in the state with a common goal of opposing SB 277.
A longtime Sacramento lobbyist commented that he had not seen so many citizens packing the halls of the state Capitol for hours to testify and hold protests on the Capitol grounds since the Vietnam War. Another observer commented that the forced vaccination bill had awakened “a sleeping giant.”
Get Vaccinated, Homeschool, or Go to Jail?
California now becomes one of only three states, along with West Virginia and Mississippi, that denies children entry to daycare and school unless they get dozens of doses of federally recommended vaccines or a medical doctor grants a medical vaccine exemption — an exemption that doctors deny to 99.99 percent of children under narrow federal guidelines.2
Parents who do not comply with the new law will have to homeschool their children and, if they cannot homeschool for financial or other reasons, they may be subject to truancy laws that include fines and imprisonment for failing to provide their children with an education.
Incremental Steps on the Road to Medical Tyranny
In truth, the road to medical tyranny in California began in 2012. That was the year that the same pediatrician-turned politician and medical trade groups lobbied the legislature to pass AB 2109,3 a bill to force parents to get a signature from a medical doctor or state designated medical worker affirming the parent had been “educated” about vaccination before filing a personal belief vaccine exemption.
NVIC opposed that bill because we knew it was an incremental step toward ramming a forced vaccination law like SB 277 through the legislature down the line, which is exactly what was done.
Citizens Push Back and Win in Other States
Vaccine use recommendations are made by federal health agencies and medical trade groups but vaccine mandates are state laws. More than 100 bills were introduced in multiple states this year to restrict or eliminate non-medical vaccine exemptions or add more vaccine mandates. The majority did not succeed.
In Texas alone, more than 20 vaccine-related bills were defeated because families across the state stood up and successfully defended their informed consent and civil rights.
Although California has lost, temporarily at least, the personal belief vaccine exemption and Vermont lost the philosophical belief exemption (while retaining one for religious beliefs), citizens fought for their informed consent rights by educating their legislators and blocked bills in Washington, Oregon, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Maine, and other states.
The Final Wake-Up Call
What happened in California in 2015 is America’s final wake-up call. Forced vaccination bills like SB 277 that seek to eliminate all non-medical exemptions are eventually going to be introduced in every state and they will not be limited to school aged children.
Adults will be targeted, too, as government health officials, industry, and medical trade groups advocate for more societal sanctions that include loss of medical care and employment to be applied to those declining to get every federally recommended vaccine.
What is at stake? If the state can tag, track down, and force us against our will to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.
Please get involved and actively participate in our democracy. If we do not take freedom for granted, we can reclaim and protect our human and civil rights in California and every state in America.
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- Read and post stories of vaccine risk, failure, and harassment, and access well-referenced information on vaccines and infectious diseases on NVIC's website.
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