This article was previously published January 16, 2021, and has been updated with new information.
How do you market and implement a financial system that nobody would want if they understood its full ramifications — a change so huge that it not only would mean the end of currency as we know it, but a total revision of sovereignty and individual rights?
In the interview above, which is part of the full-length documentary, "Planet Lockdown,"1 financial guru Catherine Austin Fitts — publisher of The Solari Report2 — describes the complicated, "messy" plan to use the current health care crisis to engineer a total remake of world currencies and our entire way of life.
Comparing the move to herding sheep to a slaughterhouse, Fitts explains how the pandemic is lining people up to depend on their governments for protection from an invisible enemy (COVID-19) and then using fear to keep people from living what once was considered a normal life.
The herd mentality includes encouraging debt entrapment to the point that people become desperate for any type of cash flow that can help them meet their day-to-day living expenses, until they willingly give up their rights in exchange for any relief offered to them.
The bottom line is that a slavery system, steeped in the ideologies of transhumanism and technocracy, is being created right under the noses of the people of the world — and the current lockdowns, closing of small businesses and the redefinition of "normal" are all part of a planned global governance system that will end sovereignty and individual rights, unless it's stopped now.
The End of Currencies
As explained by Fitts, the central banks are currently working to bring a new economic transaction system online. This would be CBDCs, aka central bank digital currencies. This is one of the reasons why I strongly believe that holding crypto assets could serve to protect you from their plan. Not only will they appreciate by anywhere from 10 to 100 times, but they are decentralized and can immunize you and your family against this nefarious plan.
However, the new system is not yet fully ready, so while they're speeding up the roll-out of that system — which Fitts describes as "the end of currencies" — they're also trying to extend the life of the current system, which is crashing.
The problem, as mentioned earlier, is how do you implement a financial system, globally, no less, that no one wants? You frighten people with an invisible enemy such as a virus, and then capitalize on that fear, saying that this new system is necessary because the pandemic destroyed the old system.
The pandemic also allows for the implementation of new, more invasive surveillance systems. There's the tracking and tracing of infections, of course, but that's not all. As noted by Fitts, "If you can get people to do their work and education online, you can listen to everything they're saying."
Already, pandemic measures have severely limited people's ability to congregate and share information face-to-face. Internet censorship by Big Tech has decimated information sharing even further. Ultimately, what they're trying to do is get people to buy into a solution before they understand the full ramifications of doing so.
The Central Bank Digital Currency
So, what is this new system? Importantly, it's a transaction system that is not based on currency in the way we know it. As explained by Fitts, it's a social control system. By removing paper currency and replacing it with an all-digital central bank digital currency (CBDC), your ability to engage in transactions can be turned on and off.
An August 13, 2020, article3 on the Federal Reserve website discusses the supposed benefits of a CBDC. There's general agreement among experts that most major countries will implement CBDC within the next two to four years. Many assume these new CBDCs will be very similar to existing cryptocurrencies, but that's not the case.
Everything you buy and sell will be monitored, and punishment can be meted out if a transaction, your behavior or even your thoughts are deemed undesirable. As explained by Fitts, the transhumanist agenda is also part of this. For example, through the use of injections or some other means of getting biosensors into you, your actual physical body will be connected, literally, to the financial system.
Already, there are four pilot CBDC programs underway at the People's Bank of China, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, the Bank of Korea and Sveriges (Sweden's) Riksbank. The Sand Dollar CBDC project in the Bahamas is already live.4 As noted in a December 30, 2020, article on
"2021 will … see many central banks continue to step up their development efforts … CBDC research and design efforts have grown strongly throughout 2020. The European Central Bank (ECB) is intensifying its work on a digital euro, while … the U.S. Federal Reserve system is in the midst of a number of research projects, among others partnering with MIT's Digital Currency Initiative."
What Have the Lockdowns Achieved?
According to Fitts, the purpose behind the lockdowns is to dramatically centralize economic and political control. In short, the aim of the lockdowns is to make people dependent on government aid by destroying their ability to earn an independent income. She gives the following example:
"We have 100 small businesses on Main Street in a community. You declare them nonessential, shut them down, [and] suddenly Amazon, Walmart and the big box stores can come in and take away all the market shares.
The people on Main Street have to keep paying off their credit cards or their mortgage, so they're in a debt trap, and they're desperate to get cash flow to cover their debts and day-to-day expenses.
In the meantime, you have the federal reserve institute a form of quantitative easing where they're buying corporate bonds and the guys who are taking up the market share can basically finance at 0% to 1%, while everybody on Main Street are paying 16% to 17% interest on their credit cards without income. So, basically, you've got them over the barrel and you can take away their market share …"
A War Like No Other
Without doubt, this is an economic war on the working class. Since the beginning of the pandemic around March 2020, the greatest transfer of wealth has taken place, from the middle class to the wealthiest among us. Back in August 2020, Bloomberg reported6 that more than half of all small business owners feared their businesses wouldn't survive. They were right.
According to a September 2020 economic impact report7 by Yelp, 163,735 U.S. businesses had closed their doors as of August 31, 2020, and of those, 60% — a total of 97,966 businesses — were permanent closures.8 Meanwhile, the collective wealth of 651 billionaires in the U.S. has risen by more than 36% ($1 trillion) since the beginning of the pandemic.9
As noted by Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness, "Never before has America seen such an accumulation of wealth in so few hands."10 A December 14, 2020, article11 in The Defender reviews who has benefited from pandemic measures the most, from the finance and tech industries to the pharmaceutical and military-intelligence sectors.
"I would describe COVID-19 as … the institution of the control necessary to convert the planet from democratic processes to technocracy," Fitts says. "What we're watching is a change in control, and the engineering of new control systems. Think of this as a coup d'état."
Essentially, the virus will be blamed for all our economic devastation, from the erosion of our social security funds to the empty coffers in the treasury, and the answer will be to transition into this technocratic control system disguised as a new, more convenient financial transaction system.
Riots as a Real Estate Acquisition Plan
In her interview, Fitts also explains research done by her team that shows the rioting that occurred in 2020 primarily occurred in opportunity zones in cities that have a central bank location. The U.S. Economic Development Administration describes opportunity zones as "an economically-distressed community where private investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for capital gain tax incentives."12
Fitts is a bit blunter in her description, saying opportunity zones are a tax shelter mechanism that allows wealthy individuals to avoid capital gains tax when selling off stock. By rolling the proceeds over into opportunity zone investments, they can avoid paying capital gains tax. "So, this is fantastically profitable," she says, adding:
"When I first saw how all the buildings and businesses destroyed … were right at the bottom of the opportunity zone, I started to laugh and I said, 'I was assistant secretary of housing. That's not a riot pattern, that's a real estate acquisition plan.'"
Essentially, by shutting down private businesses in the opportunity zones, and then looting and literally burning them to the ground in some cases, those businesses and buildings can be bought up for next to nothing. "It's called disaster capitalism," Fitts says.
Now, 34 of the 37 U.S. cities that have a federal reserve bank branch were destroyed by riots. Why is this important? Because now that real estate can be bought on the cheap, and be rebuilt with smart technology — a necessity for a well-functioning technocratic system — built in.
"This makes building out the smart cities around the federal reserve banks much cheaper," Fitts explains, "which I assume you'll want to do if you're going to come out with a [central bank] crypto system."
From Freedom to Digital Slavery
As mentioned earlier, the transhumanist agenda is part and parcel of technocracy. The basic idea is to insert biosensors into everyone, which Fitts says can be equated to an operating system, which is then connected to the cloud and other digitized systems, such as the health care and financial systems. Fitts explains:
"You're basically talking about being able to digitally identify and track people in connection with their financial transactions. So, it's a world of zero privacy. But more importantly … if you then institute one or more central bank cryptos, you're now talking about a system where every central bank in the world can shut you off individually from transacting if they don't like the way you're behaving.
Many people are familiar with the social credit system in China. It's very similar. If you install a smart grid into their car, their community, and now literally in their body, you have 24/7 surveillance and if people don't do what you say and behave the way you want, you can shut off their money.
You also have spatial control. If you say people cannot travel more than 5 miles, that's it, because they're in a complete digital control system … So, this system comes with control of not only your ability to transact financially … but also very sophisticated mind control through the media and those cloud connections.
So, transhumanism and technocracy go hand-in-hand. I would describe this as a slavery system. We're talking about shifting out of freedom where we have freedom to roam and say what we want, to a complete control system 24/7."
Human Resource Management
As explained by Fitts, the technocratic view of humanity is very different from the view most of us have of what it means to be human. Most will probably agree with Fitts, who believes humans are sovereign beings who are free by divine authority. This is the view enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Technocracy, on the other hand, views humans as a natural resource, no different from an oil deposit or livestock, and they are to be used as such. Humans may be more or less efficient than a robot, for example, depending on the job at hand, and efficiency trumps humanity.
To minimize problems within this human resource management system, there needs to be maximum compliance with minimal effort, and this is where social engineering through media propaganda (brainwashing), censorship and artificial intelligence comes in. For the most part, once fully implemented, the control system will be fully automated.
If you miss your vaccination date, for example, the system will know and access to banking might be cut off until it registers that you got your shot. There doesn't even need to be another human involved, because your physical body, health records, geolocation, activities and financials are all connected and trackable in real time by artificial intelligence-driven software that analyzes everything you do.
"The Chinese have a system called the social credit system and it's very much tied in with their financial transactions and different abilities — travel and [being able to do] other things — through their behavior …
We're talking about a world where most people are under 24/7 surveillance and then their financial incentives and their financial power are related to how well-behaved they are.
I would describe it essentially as a slavery system, because there's no personal freedom. So, to a certain extent, what technocracy will do is turn us into a similar type of system as the Chinese social credit system."
According to Fitts, the technocrats don't even think of themselves as being part of humanity anymore. They see themselves as separate and superior to the rest of us. And, in the future, they undoubtedly will be, as medical advancements and life extension technology are perfected.
Transparency Is the Answer
The good news is that while the trap has been sprung, the door has not yet closed. And, as Fitts notes, "transparency can blow the game." If enough people end up understanding what's really going on and what the goal of this "Great Reset" is, they won't be able to implement it.
The technocratic elite need us all to passively acquiesce, because there are far more of us than there are of them. Again, that's what the pandemic measures are achieving. We're growing to accept work and travel restrictions. We're growing to accept government telling us where and how we can celebrate holidays, and with whom. All of this would have been unthinkable a mere year ago. But we cannot let this acceptance continue to grow.
As noted by Fitts, slavery is the most profitable business in the history of the world, and with modern technology, complete control is now possible. Any and all rebellion can be quenched. Technology also allows a much smaller group of people to wield tremendous power over the masses.
That said, it's crucial to realize that we are actually the ones financing and helping build the very control system that is meant to enslave us. We work for companies that are building the system. We buy products from them, which allows them to generate the needed revenue. If we stop buying their products and we stop working for them, they cannot build the system.
"The solution is for everyone to come clean," Fitts says. "You're either for the transhumanist slavery system, or you're for a human system. If you're for a human system, then you're going to have to find a way to make money, and engage socially, in the human system, and stop building a transhuman system …
Don't help the government build Operation Warp Speed. Don't help [Big Tech] figure out how to inject nanoparticles into your body and hook them up to the cloud. Don't help Big Pharma make injections that are poisoning American children to death.
Don't help Big Ag make and grow GMO foods that are poisoning America. Don't help the government institute corrupt health crises regulations that are really disaster capitalism and making billionaires rich. And on and on and on."
We've done this before. The organic movement, for example, was built by average people who decided to put their time and money into a food system that aligned with their basic values. As a result, we have options today when it comes to food. It's not all GMOs and fake food. If we want to live free, we now have to act on that wish, carefully reconstructing how we live and interact in order to minimize our contribution to the transhumanist technocratic control system.