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Cellular Health Revolution — Unveiling Hidden Threats and Empowering Solutions

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • In my appearance on The Jimmy Dore Show, we discussed how mitochondrial dysfunction, caused by modern toxins, is at the root of many diseases. ATP production has decreased by up to 75% compared to a century ago

What are PFAS, and why are they a concern?

  • A group of natural chemicals used to enhance soil fertility, which decompose rapidly in the environment
  • Synthetic chemicals known as "forever chemicals" that persist in the environment and are linked to serious health risks

    PFAS, known as "forever chemicals," persist in the environment and are linked to serious health risks, including cancer, reduced fertility, and immune system impairment. Learn more.

  • Biodegradable compounds found in fast food packaging that help reduce environmental contamination
  • A type of flame-retardant chemical only found in industrial products, not consumer goods


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