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Current Health News

December 6, 2017 - Issue 4129

Big Sugar Buried Evidence to Hide Sugar Harms

sugar industry paid scientists

December 6, 2017

The lie occurred in 1967, so odds are you've already been taken in - and fooled into believing this poison is part of a balanced lifestyle. Yeah, right. This is big tobacco all over again, and we'll look back in disgust in the decades to come.

Will Most Sunscreens Be Eventually Banned?


December 6, 2017

A chemical commonly found in sunscreen is linked to hormone disruption and death of marine invertebrates. These colorful creatures that provide a home for 25 percent of marine life are dying from the sunscreen most people are wearing. Learn how to reduce your risk and prevent the destruction of marine life.

Are Your Unscented Products Truly Fragrance-Free?


December 6, 2017

Your unscented, hypoallergenic products may be triggering skin irritation for a good reason. Research has found the majority of moisturizers are labeled inaccurately as hypoallergenic or fragrance-free. I'll share why this happens, how you can help stop it, and what you can do at home to protect your skin.