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Current Health News

January 13, 2018 - Issue 4167

Dental Dedication: Improve Your Oral Health

well being

January 13, 2018

You may believe you're helping your health by doing this each day, and you may even have been instructed to do it by a health professional. But now researchers realize it's not a good thing for your body at all. Plus, the other personal hygiene mistake that can increase your risk of dementia by as much as 65 percent.

Stubborn, Optimistic, Purposeful People Live Longer

optimistic people live longer

January 13, 2018

How is it possible that researchers studying groups of people who’ve lived almost a century found that many of the much younger relatives of the almost-centenarians may have been in better physical shape, but the oldsters enjoyed better mental health? Is it all about attitude, or is there more than that?