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Current Health News

February 20, 2018 - Issue 4205

Medical Board Ordered to Pay Millions for Harassment

medical board harassment

February 20, 2018

It was the ultimate betrayal, insult and even an extreme violation of HIPAA laws. For a medical board to stoop so low was inexcusable - going way beyond yanking all 12 of his medical licenses. He sues the medical board. And you won't believe what happens next - a real first.

Federal Agency Kills Kratom

kratom pills

February 20, 2018

In what appears to be a calculated move to make kratom illegal, a government agency has released yet another warning against this age-old plant. While anecdotal reports pour in supporting its safety and benefits over opioids, the agency continues to call kratom dangerous instead of investigating its potential for healing.

Helping People Eat Healthy Food Is Illegal

Helping People Eat Healthy Food Is Illegal

February 20, 2018

A holistic health coach in Florida was issued a cease-and-desist letter by the state's department of health for providing nutrition advice without a license. She's fighting back and has sued the state for violating the First Amendment, leaving the courts to decide if helping people eat healthier is a crime.