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Current Health News

March 3, 2018 - Issue 4219

‘The Big Fat Surprise’ — Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Are Important Parts of a Healthy Diet

‘The Big Fat Surprise’ — Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Are Important Parts of a Healthy Diet

March 3, 2018

As early as the 1940s, animal studies linked this to liver cirrhosis and premature death. Even low levels of exposure triggered severe inflammation linked to heart disease and Alzheimer's. Also causes toxic shock by thrashing the GI tract. Be wise, and avoid this like the plague.

What Causes Asparagus Pee?

asparagus pee smell

March 3, 2018

Eating asparagus may cause some people's urine to smell more than a little 'off,' but it's more complex than that, as not everyone produces the odd odor after eating asparagus, and not everyone detects it well enough to find it offensive. What causes the fragrance was the target of a study with some interesting results.