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Current Health News

May 2, 2018 - Issue 4279

Most People Consume Plastic on a Daily Basis

plastic pollution in food

May 2, 2018

In fact, the average person swallows an estimated 68,415 of them each year just from dust landing on their plates during meals. So what are the consequences, considering they cannot degrade in your system or be totally eliminated?

The Air You Breathe Is More Polluted Than You Know

breathing polluted air

May 2, 2018

Air pollution is a health challenge throughout the world. Research now links pollution with increased rates of colds and some dangerous air pollution may be released in your kitchen. I'll give you simple strategies to clean your air at home.

Bathroom Hand Dryer or One Paper Towel?

public toilet

May 2, 2018

Air dryers in a public restroom may be depositing bacteria on your hands. However, paper towels place a strain on environmental resources. I'll share a simple strategy to reduce bacteria and reduce paper use.