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Current Health News

July 18, 2018 - Issue 4356

Ditching Nature in Favor of Fake Food Is Not the Solution to Destructive Factory Farming

lab-grown meat

July 18, 2018

It's far riskier and less eco-friendly than you're being told, worse than factory farmed meats. But that's not what you're being told. They even boast of its GE components (and call them safe). Plus it's more energy-intensive to produce. Here's what to embrace instead, for many reasons.

Why the New Nicotine Is Super Addictive


July 18, 2018

Smoking cigarettes is now passé, it seems, which is a good thing. But e-cigarettes have become all the rage. One company has taken the concept to a new level with an experience that rivals the real thing — probably because it delivers around the same amount of nicotine as cigarettes. But why do experts call them scary?

How Big Soda Quickly Destroyed California Democracy

soda tax

July 18, 2018

In an unprecedented political move, the beverage industry held the California legislature hostage to pass a bill banning soda taxes. Using additional strategies borrowed from Big Tobacco, they hope to stop soda taxes across the country.