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Current Health News

September 13, 2018 - Issue 4413

Placebos Can Work Even When You Know You’re Taking a Dummy Pill

Placebos Can Work Even When You Know You’re Taking a Dummy Pill

September 13, 2018

It seems too good to be true, but remarkably it taps into the same pain control centers as opioid pills, while also triggering the release of many other natural chemicals that make us feel more energized and sleep better. Noninvasive, no side effects.

Are Happy People Healthier?

Are Happy People Healthier?

September 13, 2018

Happiness often goes hand in hand with physical health, but researchers are trying to tease out whether or not being happy makes you healthier or just inspires you to live a healthier lifestyle. Increasingly, the former seems to be the case, with happiness appearing to have a direct connection with your level of health.

Spearmint oil: The gentler mint oil

Spearmint Oil

September 13, 2018

Invigorating and relaxing, spearmint oil offers a wide range of benefits, such as helping ease headaches, alleviating nausea and more. Discover how you can safely and properly use this essential oil.