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Current Health News

November 5, 2018 - Issue 4466

14 Health Benefits of Spirulina Powder

14 Health Benefits of Spirulina Powder

November 5, 2018

If you blasted off into space and could take only one food, it might be this, as NASA considers feeding it to astronauts on possible missions to Mars. With plentiful antioxidants and protein, it requires 10 times less water than other vegetables to produce and can be harvested year-round.

New Ginger Study Makes Incredible Discovery

New Ginger Study Makes Incredible Discovery

November 5, 2018

A new study exploring the phytochemical properties of ginger reveals its remarkable ability to detoxify radiation, industrial pollutants and pesticides. Further, with obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease attributed to the liver, ginger has been identified as an essential agent for both detoxification and an effective, inexpensive support strategy.

Can Iodine Boost Your IQ?


November 5, 2018

Studies have shown that pregnant women with low levels of iodine impact their babies' cognitive and neurodevelopmental health. Among the rest of the population, even a moderate drop in iodine levels can cause a 10- to 15-point decrease in your IQ. Conversely, upping your iodine intake can boost cognition.

Weekly Health Quiz: Infants, Nitrogen and Exercise

week 52 health quiz

November 5, 2018

Take this week's quiz to see how well you remember what you read on last week.