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Current Health News

June 15, 2019 - Issue 4688

The Earthing Movie

The Earthing Movie

June 15, 2019

Its founder questioned the theory for 20 years, but once he saw the dramatic results with patients with inflammation, pain, premenstrual tension, TMJ, heart and sleep issues, he became a believer. Now he’s suspecting it may also reduce the unwanted effects of electromagnetic fields and Wi-Fi.

The truth about sugar addiction

sugar addiction

June 15, 2019

Sugar can be just as addicting as alcohol and illegal substances. It's just as harmful for your health too, as sugar addiction can increase your risk of diseases, nutrient imbalance, bodily impairments and behavioral changes. Read this to learn how excessive sugar consumption can ruin your health and what you can do to overcome sugar addiction.

How to remove warts with duct tape

duct tape wart removal

June 15, 2019

Warts are common in people of all ages. While they may naturally resolve, they may also be treated effectively at home without painful burning. Duct tape is one method research has found more effective than cryotherapy.