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Current Health News

September 17, 2019 - Issue 4782

Vaccine Injuries and Legal Mandates

Vaccine Injuries and Legal Mandates

September 17, 2019

It appears that we now live in an era where facts no longer matter. And if you ask for more evidence because you care about your health, watch out. They'll view you as a conspiracy theorist, which places you in the category of a domestic terrorist threat.

The Statin Mafia Censors Pharmaceutical Harm

The Statin Mafia Censors Pharmaceutical Harm

September 17, 2019

Statins are among the most commonly prescribed, often recommended for people without heart disease. Their true risks and effectiveness are hidden from the public, as the UK-based Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' (CTT) Collaboration is holding all the raw data on statin side effects, but won't share it publically.

Why I'm Paying Farmers to Convert to Biodynamic Cotton

biodynamic cotton crops

September 17, 2019

I'm partnering with organic farmers in India to help them transition to biodynamic cotton crops, a key step to curbing some of the environmental damage caused by textile production and manufacturing. The textile industry is one of the most polluting on the planet and a key culprit is fast fashion, leading to a surplus of low-quality, resource-intensive 'throwaway' clothes.