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Current Health News

February 25, 2020 - Issue 4943

Cochrane Founder Warns Flu Vaccine Research Is Corrupted

Cochrane Founder Warns Flu Vaccine Research Is Corrupted

February 25, 2020

In a February 9, 2020 tweet, this professor claimed a 'financially conflicted' individual rearranged vaccine trial data to make it appear as though it reduces mortality, when in reality it doesn't. Here's exactly what it said, and the research behind it.

Dogs' Rights Now Exceed Human Rights

pets over vaccination

February 25, 2020

Delaware is the first to pass a bill that would allow titers to be given in lieu of rabies vaccines for certain dogs, cats and ferrets. Concerns surrounding over-vaccination and one-size-fits-all policies are being acknowledged in pets and even livestock, but are sorely missing from the human vaccination discussion.

NBC Attacks Grieving Mother for Not Giving Son Flu Medication

nbc news flu death

February 25, 2020

A defamatory article by NBC News blasted a woman who had just lost her son due to influenza. The article suggested she was to blame for his death because she didn't give him flu medication. The journalist didn't interview the boy's family or address known side effects and questionable efficacy of the medication.