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Current Health News

July 23, 2012 - Issue 2165

Why Did the Wall Street Journal Bury the Merck Fraud Story?

Why Did the Wall Street Journal Bury the Merck Fraud Story?

July 23, 2012

Vanished from the Internet without a trace, just days after publication. What exactly don't they want you to know about it? Discover more about how this kind of censorship can wreck your health with just one small mistake...

Exclusive Leaked Documents: American Dietetic Association Is Intentionally Using State Legislatures to Block Alternative Nutrition Providers and Restrict Free Speech

Exclusive Leaked Documents: American Dietetic Association Is Intentionally Using State Legislatures to Block Alternative Nutrition Providers and Restrict Free Speech

July 23, 2012

The American Dietetic Association (ADA) is threatening jail time for sharing nutritional advice online... and, outrageously, with personal friends! Leaked internal documents reveal the true motives behind this power play.