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Current Health News

August 5, 2015 - Issue 3273

New Studies Confirm Soda-Diabetes Link

Diabetes Level

August 5, 2015

Your liver can only respond to this burst of badness by turning massive amounts of it into flab, most of which is stored. And it plays a MAJOR role in the development of diabetes... even without weight as a factor. Ditch this health bomb and watch your health improve.

What Chemical Dangers Are Lurking in Your Home?

Dangerous Chemicals

August 5, 2015

Chemicals that disrupt your body's delicate and complex hormone systems may be lurking around every corner in your home - from your kitchen to your bathroom and everywhere in between. What can you do to minimize your exposure to these toxic household chemicals?

The Major Role Soybean Oil Plays in Obesity and Diabetes

Soybean Oil Benefits

August 5, 2015

Soybean oil has been linked once again to multiple chronic diseases… and this time research shows it's not only partially hydrogenated soy (i.e. trans fats) that is the problem. Even "regular" soybean oil is a health disaster.