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Current Health News

November 4, 2015 - Issue 3364

Annual Physicals May Do More Harm Than Good

Annual Health Exam

November 4, 2015

Studies show there is minimal benefit to annual exams, however, I do strongly believe these six tests can be enormously helpful at detecting early disease, and (as a general rule) recommend getting them on an annual basis...

How Sunscreen Is Harming Coral Reefs

Using Sunscreen

November 4, 2015

A hormone-disrupting chemical commonly added to sunscreen is not only harmful to human health... it's also disrupting the environment. At least 80 percent of Caribbean reefs have already been lost, in part due to swimmers' use of these toxic sunscreens.

Are Your Vegetables on Drugs?

Rotting Vegetables

November 4, 2015

Sewage sludge, also known as biosolids, is spread onto agricultural land, even though it's often contaminated with pharmaceutical residues. New research shows what happens to your vegetables when they're "raised on drugs."