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May 8, 2024

How We Can Stop the WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty
In essence a wish-list of everything the globalists have been working for decades to attain, the pandemic treaty grants the WHO vast powers to take total control during any type of 'health emergency.' Truly horrific, it must be stopped. Here are three things you can do to help.

The Effects of Ozempic and Other Weight Loss Injections
Semaglutide and similar medications may help you shed pounds but not without a steep cost. In addition to fatal intestinal blockages, the injections are linked to pancreatitis, stomach paralysis and more.

Want an Efficient and Inexpensive Way to Wash Your Produce?
Fruits and vegetables are notorious for carrying a high toxic load due to routine pesticide use. Government agencies mandate that apple producers treat produce with a bleach solution, but one study shows that the most toxic substances are removed more effectively with a common household item - baking soda.

May 7, 2024

How Do You Actually Fix Gut Health?
Many think it's just a simple part of their routine, yet it could be the unseen culprit behind countless health issues. Discover what you may be unknowingly doing to your body!

A Handful of Prunes Each Day May Help Support Healthy Bones
Nutrition influences bone health and researchers have found prunes can lower the inflammatory response that helps preserve bone mineral density.

Avoid Food and Supplements With This Common Filler
This food additive is commonly found in sweets, toothpaste, pharmaceutical drugs and paper. Although found in nature and thought to be biologically inactive, scientists demonstrated this filler increases the number of pre-cancerous lesions in animal models.

May 6, 2024

Vitamin B3 Boosts Muscle Mass, Improves Glucose Control
One of the pitfalls of aging is losing muscle mass and strength, and it can start happening once you pass your 30s. Now, research shows how a vitamin that I highly recommend can help you maintain muscle mass and strength as you age, while also helping control body fat and blood sugar levels.

Vitamin D Shows Promise in Targeting Aging’s Biological Mechanisms, Study Finds
Vitamin D affects many of the 12 hallmarks of aging that speed biological aging and contribute to the development of chronic disease. Consider these three ways to optimize your levels.

Factory Farming Contaminates Water in More Ways Than One
That's what this Wisconsin resident was told after contracting this deadly disease from her water supply. Hardly a foolproof approach, considering he told her it was like that of a third world country. Sadly, millions could face the same predicament - do you?

May 5, 2024

The Keys to Trusting Your Gut
Your body is designed to stay healthy, with plenty of energy and no chronic pain. Yet, it's not part of Western culture to do so. Tap into the wisdom of this savvy entrepreneur with Eastern European roots and learn what it takes for your body to do what it does best - heal without any help.

Important Legal Wins by the Informed Consent Action Network
Scoring a tremendous victory, ICAN has won back Mississippi's religious vaccine exemption that was lost in 1979. Arguing that if people have the right to opt out of vaccines for medical reasons, then they must also have the right to a religious exemption. These five states may soon see the domino effect.

Holistic Pediatrician on How to Safeguard Your Kids' Health and Future
Dr. Palevsky challenges conventional wisdom on fever treatment, revealing how understanding the body's natural defenses can empower parents to navigate childhood illnesses without compromising their child's health.

May 4, 2024

Beyond Impossible — The Truth Behind the Fake Meat Industry
Dive deep into the hidden dangers and wide-ranging impacts of ultraprocessed meat alternatives. What you don't know might just change your diet forever.

Security Expert Gavin de Becker Describes the Gift of Fear
Fear is a gift you should listen to for your own safety, provided it's true. But if fear gets out of control, it creates anxiety and can be used as a tool for manipulation and control. Security expert Gavin de Becker explains how to opt out of the madness.

Vitamin D3 Versus D2
Experts in health and retail sectors are sitting up and taking notice after a study asserted that current thinking - and governmental recommendations - would be 'revolutionized' regarding vitamin D2 and D3 levels. Once thought to be virtually the same, the study showed one to be twice as effective as the other.

May 3, 2024

The Great Osteoporosis Scam
Don't fall for this massive scam. If a bone density scan shows you have 'pre-osteoporosis' and your doctor prescribes a 'bone-strengthening' drug, run the other way. These scans weren't even widespread until Merck put them everywhere when their drug to improve bone density wasn't selling.

Experts Rip CDC for Redacting All 148 Pages of Information on Myocarditis After COVID Shots
The US CDC sent a fully redacted document in response to a Freedom of Information Act request about the risk of myocarditis after COVID-19 shots. What is the agency trying to hide?

Do You Know How to Store Potatoes?
It turns out that if you store your potatoes in a cool place such as your garage or even the refrigerator, they can begin producing acrylamide, a cancer-causing and potentially neurotoxic chemical.

May 2, 2024

Natural Therapies for Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is a progressive and terminal disease characterized by an overproduction and buildup of thick mucus in the lungs and other organs. These natural therapies can improve cell and lung function, correct common gut issues and nutritional deficiencies, and help patients manage their care.

Maine Attorney General Sues Monsanto Over PCB Contamination
Monsanto knew about the dangers but ignored them for the sake of profits. Now, these chemicals are contaminating our natural resources and harming our health.

Boil Your Unpeeled Carrots for Maximum Nutrition
Carrots provide the most nutrients, such as beta-carotene, which converts in your body to vitamin A, when they're left whole and boiled, experts say. Purple, red, yellow and white varieties, being developed for more nutrition, may now be available in a market near you.

May 1, 2024

More Evidence Showing Vitamin D Combats Cancer
With cancer being the No. 2 cause of death, you would think doctors would be recommending this vitamin to everyone, as low blood levels are clearly linked to an increased risk of many cancers - and the majority of people are deficient. Don't take a chance, make sure your levels are at least this.

How One Woman’s Mission to ‘Rewild’ Urban Spaces Is Saving Native Bees
Using native plants, her goal is to bring back the wild bee populations. Could this small but growing movement be the key to protecting our precious pollinators?

You Really Don't Need to Drink Eight Glasses of Water Each Day
The widespread mantra that you need to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to stay healthy is a myth. If your mind is now sufficiently blown, find out the very simple method you can use to be sure you're getting the right amount of water for you each and every day.