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Current Health News

October 5, 2015 - Issue 3334

Important Reasons to Optimize Your Vitamin K2

Important Reasons to Optimize Your Vitamin K2

October 5, 2015

This sleeper nutrient is fat-soluble like vitamin D, but it's not nearly as well known. And that's too bad, as a deficiency is linked to insulin resistance, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and a higher risk for certain cancers. Plus, chances are you may not be getting enough.

What's Wrong with US Dietary Guidelines?

Dietary Guidelines

October 5, 2015

A new report published in the BMJ questions the science behind the 2015 US Dietary Guidelines. The recommendations have not taken into account the latest scientific evidence, and instead appear intent on bolstering the status quo of nutritional advice that's been in place for 35 years - whether it's scientifically accurate or not.

You Won't Believe How Much Good Food Goes to Waste

Compost Food Waste

October 5, 2015

It's bad enough when food is wasted because it spoiled in your fridge or on the farm field. It's inexcusable when food is tossed simply because of a cosmetic defect... but this happens far more than you might expect.