Current Health News

December 6, 2016 - Issue 3762

United States Is Turning Into a Factory Farm for China, With Devastating Environmental Consequences

United States Is Turning Into a Factory Farm for China, With Devastating Environmental Consequences

December 6, 2016

And even worse, US politicians are greasing the skids for this to happen. While a foreign country is rapidly buying up America's heartland as well as food producers, they are leaving behind polluted waterways, depleted water supplies and devastated soils, all for their own benefit. Have we become their personal factory farm?

This Is How Aspartame Causes Obesity

aspartame in soda causes obesity

December 6, 2016

Decades of studies have shown consuming the artificial sweetener aspartame is associated with weight gain, not loss. Now new research shows how this synthetic substance may promote obesity via a surprising mechanism in your gut.

Will the FTC End Homeopathy?

federal trade commission

December 6, 2016

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is cracking down on homeopathy, a treatment many people depend on to safely support their health. As researchers are only beginning to unravel seemingly unusual, yet safe, modalities for healing, including homeopathy and the placebo effect, it's counterproductive to take increased enforcement measures against them.