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Current Health News

March 5, 2019 - Issue 4586

Portions of Measles Outbreaks Are Due to Vaccine Reactions and Not Wild Measles Virus

measles vaccine reactions

March 5, 2019

They thought they knew the cause, but during the recent outbreak in California, 38 percent of virus sequences were identified as being caused by this. And a new technology is set to turn the views of the entire medical world upside down.

Bill Proposed to Ban Drinking Milk From Hoofed Animals

tennessee raw milk bill

March 5, 2019

If passed, a new bill would make it illegal to drink milk from a cow that you've purchased as part of a herdshare program. Such programs exist because the government has banned the interstate commerce of raw milk, forcing people to seek out alternative ways of securing this healthy food.

Latest Updates on Pink Slime

pink slime ground beef

March 5, 2019

The ground beef filler product once commonly known as pink slime can now be labeled simply 'ground beef.' The government gave the approval for the new labeling after a request by the product's maker, which will make it even harder to find out if this ammonia-treated scrap meat is in your burger.