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Current Health News

June 18, 2019 - Issue 4691

Testing reveals PFOA chemicals in US food supply

Testing reveals PFOA chemicals in US food supply

June 18, 2019

It's one of the most beloved foods of all time. When you enjoy its enticing flavor, this toxin is probably as far from your mind as Earth is from the moon. Then along comes this troubling study showing it the worst food by a long shot – carcinogenic and linked to other illnesses.

Genetically edited babies might die young

genetically edited babies might die young

June 18, 2019

Twin babies born in China were the first to be genetically edited, in this case in order to resist infection with HIV. But the potential benefit may come at a steep cost - the babies may be about 21% less likely to live a full life span, as research shows their gene mutations may lead to a shortened life span.

Why mosquitoes develop resistance to pesticides

mosquito pesticide resistance

June 18, 2019

One reason mosquitoes develop resistance to pesticides is their ability to overproduce detoxification enzymes that are effective against the chemicals. Mosquitoes have developed resistance to agricultural insecticides in some areas while their key predators, damselflies, have not, creating the perfect environment for the mosquitoes to flourish.